APA Color Matt acrylic paints Ferrario 150ml

APA Color Matt acrylic paints Ferrario 150ml

    Acrylic paints APA Color from Ferrario are very resistant and with bright and brilliant shades they lend themselves well to coloring even large surfaces, for example in scenography or in the decoration of objects made of wood, glass, metal, cardboard, fabric and many others. Their creamy consistency finally makes them suitable also for painting on canvas or paper.

    Available in a 150 ml jar selection of 76 matt colors, 16 glossy, 6 glitter and 6 fluo. The matt colors, once dry, look like bright colors but, unlike these, they are indelible and permanent. The glossy colors can be used as real water-based enamels and finally the glitter, fluorescent, phosphorescent and bicolor colors offer the possibility of obtaining pleasing effects.

    Manufacturer: Ferrario
    £ 10.20

    Available colors

    The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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