Arches Dessin Papers

Arches Dessin Papers

    ARCHES® paper is made on a cylinder mould (traditional process): quality close to that of paper made by craft methods. The paper is therefore more homogeneous and has good dimensional stability.

    Suitable for different technics: pencil, pastel, charcoal, sanguine crayon, graphite, calligraphy, pen and ink, felt pen, gouache, marbling, letterpress, blind embossing, bookbinding.

     Made of 75% cotton with very good mechanical strength. Pleasure of using a soft, supple, noble material (unbelievable feel).

     Texture is laid. The laid lines give the paper a certain relief and a prestigious surface that preserves every nuance of the pencil stroke and gives body and depth to the drawing.

     Available in 85, 105 and 130 gsm, strong, but lightweight at the same time. Has very good bulk.

    Gelatin surface-sized. Limits the paper’s absorption capacity (ink does not bleed) and guarantees good resistance of the fibres. Optimum rendering even after repeated corrections.

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    Manufacturer: Arches
    € 28.70 from:

    Available colors

    The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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