Canson Heritage Watercolor Paper Pad Cold Pressed

Canson Heritage Watercolor Paper Pad Cold Pressed

L’Aquarelle Canson® Héritage Cold Pressed is the quintessence of almost 500 years of know-how associated with all the latest technological advances in papermaking.

  • Distinctive, strong and absorbent; 100% cotton sheets
  • Mould-made for a sensual texture and strength
  • An innovative non-animal sizing ensures uniform washes without accumulation of pigments
  • Allows for ultra sharp brush strokes without smudges
  • Easy to correct whether wet or dry
  • An optimized working time: The paper remains at peak saturation longer giving the artist ample time to work larger areas

Complies with ISO Standard 9706, acid-free and without optical brightness additives. Mould-resistant treatment.

Manufacturer: Canson
€ 33.50

Available colors

The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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