Idea Glitter 60ml

Idea Glitter 60ml

The term "glitter" means twinkle, sparkle, brilliance or shine.

The custom of ornamenting surfaces with fragments of glittery material is very ancient. In the middle ages precious enamel finishes were enriched with the addition of golden sparkles, and by the Renaissance there were a variety of ways of obtaining this curious, fascinating finish, so charming and mysterious. But traditional materials rarely permitted achievement of the quality possible with today's synthetic products.

Very fine flakes of polyester with a coloured mirror finish can now be mixed with any binder to anchor them solidly onto any material and create a brightly glittering surface in one or more colours. Unrivalled in light weight, durability and convenience, Idea Glitter has a very high light reflection factor which makes surfaces appear almost luminous or luminescent.

Glitter may be mixed with any binder or medium and used in any pictorial technique, applied with a brush just like paint. For an even brighter effect, apply a medium to the surface to be treated and sprinkle Glitter over it generously while it is still fresh and sticky, then leave it to dry. The polyester flakes will not come off when the medium is dry.

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Manufacturer: Maimeri IDEA
€ 12.30

Available colors

The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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