Inka Textil Paint 50ml

Inka Textil Paint 50ml

    The paint is wiped onto the surface and so you can accentuates wrinkles in the fabric. If it is applied thinly with a stencil, it enhances the fabric structure.

    • water-based
    • wash at a maximum temperatures of 30 °C/86 F
    • suitable for stenciling

    Rub a the paint onto the fabric, using a sponge. Can also be painted onto surface. Suitable for stenciling.

    Especially suitable for textiles with high cotton content (jeans). To fix paint, iron with hot temperature and with much pressure with parchment paper. Wash at a maximum temperature of 30 °C (86° F). Follow fabric care instructions.

      Manufacturer: Viva Decor
      € 10.30

      Available colors

      The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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