Maimeri Tempera Fine 60ml

Very few people know how much Maimeri owes students the world over. Comparing notes with the young, with people who are just learning about art, is a demanding and difficult task, but the payback in terms of imagination and innovation has well exceeded our expectations. A range of gouache colours dedicated to them must meet a number of basic requirements. Tempera fine gouache colours are just the thing: simple, convenient, versatile; not too many colours, but well positioned over the colourspectrum to permit easy creation of all combinations.The paints can be diluted to any degree, used pure or thinned like watercolours.They are fully compatible and can be freely intermixed with one another and withother waterbased colours. They are sold in small packages with an excellent price to quality ratio, without any misleading manufacturer claims of "hype". Very few people know how happy we are at Maimeri to see our colours in the handsof children and students.

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Manufacturer: Maimeri
€ 5.00

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