Talens Van-Gogh 40ml

Talens Van-Gogh 40ml

Oil colours are a type of paint with which you can make opaque and transparent paintings. With oil colours you can paint wet-into-wet (i.e. mix paint both on the palette and on the canvas), layered (apply a layer of paint once the previous has dried) and you can glaze (work with very thin transparent layers). A characteristic of oil colours is that the brush stroke remains visible.

  • High quality
  • Strong and intense colours
  • Easy to mix and use
  • High pigment level
  • Uniform degree of gloss and thickness of the various colours
  • Good to excellent lightfastness for colour retention over time
Manufacturer: Talens
€ 6.20 from:

Available colors

The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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