- Alcohol based protective varnish
- Transparent when dry
- Fast-drying on the surface - slow h...
- Satin finish
- Application on totally dry objects....
€ 14.50
- Alcohol based protective varnish
- Transparent when dry
- Fast-drying on the surface - slow h...
- Satin finish
- Application on totally dry objects....
€ 14.50
Final varnish combining the flexibility and hardness qualities of its components. It can also be used for other mediums.
€ 17.70
Highly priced natural varnish of traditional use. Very flexible. To use as addition to restoration colours.
€ 31.90
Very fast drying, light varnish for retouching and restoration. Moderately shiny, it does not yellow.
€ 8.40
Amber solution, ready to use. Brush over the surface treated with the Patina varnish. Once the cracks are formed and blackened, apply another coat of Patina varnish. Temperature and humidity of the en...
€ 14.10
Light final varnish. Suitable to remove mat areas formed on unfinished areas, while painting. Medium drying time. It is also used as final varnish, when little gloss is required.
€ 16.60
Glossy, non yellowing varnish. Wait till the painting is fully dry before varnishing. Particularly protective thanks to its UV filter. Reversible product.
€ 18.80
For oil and acrylic painting. Alternative product to conventional solvent varnishes. Easy to apply, it imparts a mat finish. It does not yellow in time.
€ 20.20
Traditional final natural varnish. It tends to yellow. Its normal amber colour and any sediment do not compromise the final result. It imparts greater brightness and shine to colours.
€ 14.10
Alternative product to conventional solvent varnishes. Easy to apply, it imparts a mat finish. It does not yellow in time.
€ 8.10
For oil and acrylic painting. An alternative to traditional solvent varnish. Easy to apply, it enhances the colour brightness. It does not yellow with time.
€ 17.10
Iridescent solution that produces a mat, very resistant film. Shake well before using. Do not apply on very absorbent surfaces, if not previously treated with insulating varnish. It can be mixed with ...
€ 9.40
Traditional final natural varnish. It tends to yellow. Its normal amber colour and any sediment do not compromise the final result. It imparts greater brightness and shine to colours.
€ 6.40
Thinner with good solvent power for oil colours and varnishes. Very slow evaporation. Suitable also for cleaning brushes and palettes.
€ 5.40
An alternative to traditional solvent varnish. Easy to apply, it enhances the colour brightness. It does not yellow with time.
€ 7.90
Glossy, non yellowing varnish. Wait till the painting is fully dry before varnishing. Particularly protective thanks to its UV filter. Reversible product.
€ 9.10
Finishing varnish based on non yellowing solvent, easy to apply. The UV filter makes this finish very suitable for outdoor painting.
€ 8.90
Light final varnish. Suitable to remove mat areas formed on unfinished areas, while painting. Medium drying time. It is also used as final varnish, when little gloss is required.
€ 8.40
For oil painting. Final varnish combining the flexibility and hardness qualities of its components. It can also be used for other mediums.
€ 8.60
Clear and transparent solution, it does not yellow. It fixes and protects the painting or any other object. Suitable for any application. Clear and colourless, it is slightly mat if applied in a thin ...
€ 8.60
Fatty amber finish, giving the painting an antique look. It is used as undercoat for the Picture cracking finish. It yellows in time.
€ 9.80
Very valuable natural varnish of antique tradition. It is very flexible and elastic, giving to the painting a particular brightness. It tends to yellow in time. Reversible product.
€ 31.90
Clear and transparent solution that increases the gloss of gouaches. An undercoat of Insulating varnish is recommended. It must be reminded that, using this finish, gouaches loose their mat look and c...
€ 8.60
Amber solution, ready to use. Brush over the surface treated with the Patina varnish. Once the cracks are formed and blackened, apply another coat of Patina varnish. Temperature and humidity of the en...
€ 8.20