Viva Decor Crystal Gel 250ml

Viva Decor Crystal Gel 250ml


    Crystal Gel is a special formulated transparent crystal gel. The applied surface of the painted object will produce incredible light breaking, three-dimensional effects. An extraordinary colour range gives you the freedom to explore and create your own unique designs.

    Crystal Gel can be speckled, stencilled or placed free hand on to the object of your choice. Using transparent objects or surfaces will produce the best effects.

    Step-by-step instructions:

    • Apply Crystal Gel smoothly over the surface of the object using a modelling knife.
    • Create your own design in the wet paint by either pulling with a shaping tool or a modelling knife. Recommendation: You can also use a stencil or place gems into the wet paint.

    Drying time: Depending on the applied surface and the coating thickness within 24 hours.

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    Manufacturer: Viva Decor
    € 12.40

    Available colors

    The limitations imposed by RGB visualization do not permit a perfect chromatic reproduction of the shades. At your local dealer you will have the possibility of consulting a hand-made colourchart realized with original colours.

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