There are six jars in the box.
Polycolor in 24 tints: new-generation colored acrylic paste with great elasticity, enabling you to create relief effects while retaining the chosen color and its brilliance. The colors can be perfectly mixed using a spatula or brush, keeping their smoothness intact. In the impasto stage the colors blend, creating secondary tones that are clean and bright, with no need to add water. All the colors are vivid and cover perfectly. Worked on the palette with a spatula, all the colors are quite thick and dense, extremely soft and pleasant to work with.Despite a high degree of viscosity, the color paste amalgamates easily and does not create lumps or thicken. The material is very compact and the acrylic resin comprising it does not form filaments. Even when applied and worked vertically, the layer of color does not drip, staying well anchored to the support. If you are applying coats thicker than a centimeter it is best to work in horizontal. This industrially manufactured mixture guarantees an even hold of both the colorand the effect created. Strong and compact colors with a semi-lucid finish retain relief perfectly even after drying; drying time depends on thickness. The tints look refined, with no lumps of pigment or thickening of the bond to beseen. Even when spread thinly with a spatula, no imperfections are visible on the painted surface. Polycolor 3D is highly elastic even when dry, making it suitable for flexible supports. Once dry, the layer of color stays well in relief and does not suffer from water evaporation. The reduction in volume from wet to dry is minimal and hardly evident. Excellent for very thick paintings, because specific weight is low.